It might seem, there's always someone wittier.
It might seem, there's always someone that has it all,
And you don't, 'cause you're just really small.
It might seem, that the world looks down
Upon you, and gossips and frowns.
It might seem that nobody cares,
And you can't help think, it's just not fair.
It might seem, that you don't have worth.
It might seem, you're made fun of with mirth.
It might seem, you're just not cool.
And no one says, You rock! or You rule!
All of these things, might seem to be,
Like the whole wide world, just doesn't see,
But I have great news, for you and me!
All these things, don't have to be!
You can change how you think!
You don't have to be sad and shrink!
For you are a Child of God.
And if people ask if you're odd, then nod!
It's ok to be apart from the croud,
It's way better, and it's alowed!
And all that other stuff
Like being popular or tough,
Doesn't really matter one bit!
And if, ever sad, you get,
Just remember that true bliss,
Does not come from 'coolness'.
True joy comes from inside of you.
From selflessness and serving too.
From knowing that you're a child of God!
And knowing the narrow path, you trod.
That's what makes you happy.
And all the worldly stuff is crappy,
Compared to doing His will.
And the feeling you'll get, is real.
~Snickerdoodle ;)
I just tell myself, when I am feeling different and it hurts a little, "I AM STARGIRL!!!!" and somehow, it feels a little better and a little more fun to be different :). (Love the pics, btw.)